When it's frigid outside and you have to drive to some sort of destination, there's only one solution to fighting the ridiculous cold: Warm up the car. Just start it up a few minutes before hopping in, giving your cabin and your engine time to warm up before hitting the road. Plus, it's supposed to be good for the life of your engine, right?
Wrong! Warming up your car in winter before driving it is actually terrible for your engine. According to Popular Mechanics, driving your car right away is the fastest way to warm up your engine , and will actually prolong the life of your engine instead of letting it sit idly before driving. Answering the old question on whether you should warm up your car.
The reasoning has to do with how modern internal combustion engines work. By letting your car sit to warm up, it's actually putting extra fuel into the combustion chamber, which can get onto your cylinder walls. Because gasoline is an excellent solvent, too much on your cylinder walls can dissolve the oil that lubricates your cylinders, leading to shorter life on crucial components.
Of course, hopping into a cold car is never a fun task. Although driving your car will actually warm up your engine faster than idling, it still means driving for a period of time in a cold vehicle. And, it also means dealing with the frost on your car windows before they warm up. Fortunately, you can easily defrost your windows in 30 seconds with this simple car window defrosting trick .
Now if warming up your car in winter is actually terrible for your engine, why did people even do this in the first place? According to USA Today , this practices comes from the use of cars with carburetors fuel delivery system that preceded fuel injection that did require warming up beforehand. Some people would have to wait up to 10 minutes before even getting into a car, deeming it safe enough to drive with a warmed up engine. Nevertheless, cars and technology have drastically changed since the 1960s, which means this old practice is no longer required.
Instead, just give it a minute and start with an easy drive. Flooring it right away obviously isn't the solution, but easing yourself into a drive will help to warm your engine faster than you originally thought.
아마 지금도 추운 겨울날 시동을 켜고 바로 출발하지 않고 10여분 이상 공회전 시킨 후 출발하시는 분도 계실 겁니다.
실내도 데우고 엔진도 충분히 워밍업 시켜서 (시동을 켜고 바로 출발하는 것보다) 엔진 수명을 늘려줄거라고 믿으면서 말이죠.
윤활유의 성능이 나오기 시작하는 온도는 약 40~50도 정도며 이는 계기판의 수온계를 참고하면 되는데, 수온계가 있는차량은 수온계가 움직이기 시작하는 시점이고, 없는 차량은 Cold등이 따로 있는데 이 등이 소등된 시점이다. 이때 윤활유의 온도도 40~50도 사이라는것
가장 신경써야 될 시점은 오랜시간 시동을 끈 경우며 특히 아침 첫 시동 이 엔진 수명을 좌우한다고 볼수 있다. 윤활유온도가 정상온도 이더라도 유막형성시간이 약간 필요한데, 이 시점을 간략히 알 수 있는 방법은 엔진 RPM이 안정됐을 때이다. 차종마다 차이는 있지만 1000~900rpm 수준으로 머물기 시작하고 5~10초쯤있다가 출발하면 된다. 가장좋은건 900rpm이하로 떨어졌을 때.
차종마다 차이가 있기 때문에 시간으로 꼭집어 말할 수는 없으나 여름에는 수십초 이내로 끝난다. 겨울철에는 기온에 따라 2분까지 소모되기도 하며, 디젤엔진 차량이나 현대 포터 같이 냉각팬이 클러치방식이면 시동 거는순간부터 항상 돌기 때문에 예열이 좀더 늦는편이다.
- 축하드립니다. 댓글 보너스 15점을 받으셨습니다.